Safest Way to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Teeth

Safest Way to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Teeth
November 1, 2021

If you are keen to check the appearance of your smile, you should notice when you have stains or when they start yellowing. Technically, the yellowing of teeth happens to everyone, especially as you age. Factors that can cause dental yellowing, include the following:

  1. Poor oral hygiene – allows for the buildup of plaque and tartar.
  2. Heavily pigmented foods and drinks, for example, red wine, coffee, tomatoes, tea, to mention a few.
  3. Enamel thinning – typically occurs due to aging. However, it may also be intensified by heavy consumption of acidic foods and drinks that corrode your enamels like the citrus fruit family.
  4. Smoking or other ways of consuming tobacco
  5. Medical conditions like high blood pressure or even particular medication

Once you incur stains on your teeth and they start yellowing, it won’t be long before people begin to notice it when you smile. However, before then, you can determine effective approaches for whitening your teeth.

How to Remove Yellow Stains from Teeth?

Over the years, people have explored various approaches for the removal of yellow stains from their teeth. While some are more effective than others, the underlying goal is to bleach the enamels of teeth. Various methods for whitening teeth target the stains on the surfaces of teeth as well as the intrinsic stains. The whitening materials break down the stain molecules and dissolve them to bleach the enamels of your teeth. Some methods for whitening teeth focus on reducing the appearance of stains rather than getting rid of them.

​Best Approach for Whitening Teeth

Although natural at-home whitening methods at home may seem more affordable and convenient, nothing works better than teeth whitening done by a dentist in Bradford. This kind of teeth whitening is called professional teeth whitening, which effectively removes stubborn stains from teeth. Whether you are troubled about the yellowing of all your teeth or particular stains on some of your teeth, a whitening session with a dentist near you is the best approach to achieving shiny white pearls.

What Does Professional Teeth Whitening Process Entail?

The process of professionally whitening teeth is unique from other techniques of removing yellow stains. Usually, the dentist has to clean your teeth to remove any plaque, tartar, and food residues on the surfaces of your teeth. Afterward, your dentist protects your gums before applying the whitening gel or paste. Once the paste is painted on your teeth, the dentist will use a hand-held laser gadget to shine a blue light over the teeth. The tool helps activate the bleachers to start whitening your teeth. After the first round, your dentist will wipe and rinse off the paste to check for any changes. He/she will then repeat the process up to about 3 to 4 times until your teeth are whitened to your liking. The process should last a little over 45 minutes, and your results will be evident immediately after your procedure. Usually, professional teeth whitening treatments can achieve up to 4 times whiter than your initial teeth color.

Is It Worth It?

Professional teeth whitening has various benefits to your dental health, including the following:

  1. Boosting oral hygiene – when undertaking professional teeth whitening, chances are that you will need a session for deep cleaning teeth near you first. Your dentist has to clean your teeth first, to remove plaque and tartar, the most common causes of dental discoloration. After professionally cleaning your teeth, you should notice them be brighter even before the bleaching process begins.
  2. High safety standards – with the protective gel applied to your gums before the bleaching process, your gums are protected from the abrasion of the whitening agents. Besides, dental experts will use bleaching products that have regulated concentrations of stain removers, hence protecting your teeth from damage through excessive enamel erosion.
  3. Strengthening teeth – dentists mostly apply fluoride treatment on your teeth after teeth dental cleaning sessions. The fluoride element is responsible for building strong teeth and increasing their resistance to dental cavities.
  4. Encouraging proper oral habits – many patients pick up healthy oral habits after professional whitening. Once your teeth are whitened to your liking, you will be motivated to do what it takes to maintain their brightness and prevent any dental infections.
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